Laws of Attraction

How Can You Get Positive Thoughts Started?

Sometimes it’s really challenging to think positive thoughts…. Wouldn’t you agree?

So, what can you do to help yourself?

One of the ways I do that is to listen to teleseminars about laws of attraction, personal development and/or spirituality. Here’s what I learned from listening to one of them.

Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason, learned from Dr. Michael Beckwith to go outside barefooted on the earth or grass for a couple of minutes each day. While outside imagine that your core center is the connecting place for Heaven’s light from above and the light of Mother Earth radiating from below.


To get the full impact of just how important this practice is, let me tell you what Marci also said.

There was a study done of some indigenous people who used to always walk barefooted outside. These people were very healthy, but when they started wearing plastic sandals, they began to get illnesses. The plastic sandals interfered with connecting to Mother Earth.

That was enough for me to want to start spending a bit of time barefooted outside. So the next day or so while Brian and I were walking on the sidewalks of our neighborhood. I decided to remove my sandals and walk in the grass. It felt good! So I invited Brian to do the same, and he did.

As we walked, he wondered what people who saw us walking beside the sidewalk in the grass were thinking. So I sang to him this line from Bonnie Raitt’s hit song, “Let’s give them something to talk about.”

What could you give people to talk about besides bad news?

How about something that would create positive thoughts?

Start thinking of some ideas, okay? And be sure to write them down so you’ll remember them.

And by the way, when was the last time you walked barefooted outside?

Do it soon and experience what I wrote in my lyrics for ‘This Sunny Day’:

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Now I’m feelin’ happy
with nature all around.
Won’t you go outside
and see what I have found?

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This is one of the best recommendations I can give you to get positive thoughts started.

So why not give it a try?

Till next time…

Wishing you peace, love and happiness,

Joyce Marie
Songwriter and singer

P.S. I’d be so delighted to have you share your recommendations. Just type into the comments section below. Please give your first name or a nickname so I can personally acknowledge you. Thanks!

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20 replies on “How Can You Get Positive Thoughts Started?”

Completely true, those who think negative also speak and do negative things and whatever others do or say looks negative to them. I agree that time is a great healer and a master which teaches us many things but without waiting further it is better to built positive thoughts and do positive things.

That’s interesting to know, Jacob! I’ll wait to try that when the weather is warm again. I appreciate you!

I know we have all heard there is power in positive thinking and while some may be skeptical about this I firmly believe it’s true. Think about it people who typically think positive are much happier and content then those who think negatively. Have you ever noticed people who think negatively always have bad things happening to them while positive thinkers seem to have better things happen in their life?
.-= Nevaeh@tango lessons chicago´s last blog ..Mon Bel Ami =-.

Our body has strong physiological responses to whatever emotions we are experiencing. Negative emotions like fear and anger cause negative bodily actions like increased blood pressure. Positive emotions like peace and happiness cause positive bodily responses like increased oxygen flow to the brain!

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results.

I hope you walked barefoot on the grass, Indah! Wet grass feels good! Glad you like ‘This Sunny Day’. Thank you!

Great article and I think I was on the same teleseminar because I heard that clip from Marci Shimoff too. I use the grounding idea when I am meditating with my bare feet on the ground. It does help keep you centered.

I like the the idea of going outside to find positive thoughts…all of nature is filled with them.


.-= Nick Grimshawe´s last blog ..Why Forgiveness is Divine =-.

Thank you for your “excellent” comment, Bobbi! I love that response! With lovely weather here, it’s been wonderful to walk barefoot outside every day.

Good morning Joyce, I loved this post. I remember hearing a trainer many years ago and purchasing one of his tapes. He said whenever he was asked how he was, his response was “excellent”. Every time he said “excellent” it reinforced his own belief about his attitude. Your analogy of connecting to the earth and the sun is a great suggestion. Living in Houston during the summer, I think it’s easy to disconnect from nature, especially for those of us who grew up in cooler, less humid climates. Think I’ll walk on my grass barefoot today. Thanks.

Excellent Article Joyce – I enjoyed the read, thanks for sharing. I think everyone should do just as you suggested, walk barefoot outside, it is very refreshing.

Being positive is part of the change we need to make in our internal world in order we start the process of living a life of peace, this comes from within ourselves.
.-= Carl´s last blog ..What are the Personal Performance Tools Within You =-.

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