Peace. Love and Happiness

What’s Your Plan For Making Peace?

There’s just too much disagreement going around, isn’t there? And most of it, if not all, arises from prejudices that you learn. You get influenced by parents, teachers, preachers and peers who were influenced by their parents, teachers, preachers and peers.

And on it goes. You pass it on, too.

But wouldn’t it be better to evaluate the sense of that?

How can you think you’re better than someone else?

Don’t we all have the same Creator?

If you don’t have a plan for making peace, consider the lessons of my lyrics for ‘Arise With Peace’:

Your heart
determines who you are.
Arise each day
with peace in your heart.

Love one another,
no matter what their color.
Connected are we all,
vibrating energy.

Let’s create love
and live in harmony

Love one another.
Arise with peace
in your heart.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It’s a simple plan, but so very effective. Use your power to make it happen. Overcome the prejudices you’ve acquired. Take little steps each day.

Making peace should be a priority for you if you want less stress in your life. Go for authentic happiness.

You do want that, don’t you?

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Till next time…

Wishing you peace, joy and love,

Joyce Marie

This post and lyrics are copyrighted. You are welcome to link to this post or to give a link to it, but may not use the contents of the post without written permission.

6 replies on “What’s Your Plan For Making Peace?”

It’s tough enough for us when we are at odds with someone when that person is still alive. What’s more difficult is when they pass away. It would be nice to assure our friends and family how important they are to us and make peace with everybody. This way, there will be no regrets.

Excellent post Joyce, it is so true.

We have always taught our children to keep peace, to be part of the solution and not the problem.

I was on a call a few nights ago and the biggest message that was being marketed on that call was be at peace with the world but it starts with being at peace with yourself. Love yourself for no matter who loves you there is no way you can love others until you forgive and love yourself.

The message is so true and imagine the peace in the world if we lived by that type of message as well as your messages here in this post.

Hope you are having a relaxing day!


Carl T

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