Laws of Attraction

How Can You Get Positive Thoughts Started?

Sometimes it’s really challenging to think positive thoughts…. Wouldn’t you agree?

So, what can you do to help yourself?

One of the ways I do that is to listen to teleseminars about laws of attraction, personal development and/or spirituality. Here’s what I learned from listening to one of them.

Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason, learned from Dr. Michael Beckwith to go outside barefooted on the earth or grass for a couple of minutes each day. While outside imagine that your core center is the connecting place for Heaven’s light from above and the light of Mother Earth radiating from below.


To get the full impact of just how important this practice is, let me tell you what Marci also said.

Laws of Attraction

Mind Power – How Can You Get a Positive Outcome?

It seems that every time my husband, Brian, goes out of town, something unexpected goes wrong. This time was no exception, maybe because my subconscious mind power was taking control, recalling past times.

While Brian was far away in San Diego, California, I was driving on the Interstate 10 freeway in Houston, Texas to my next stop on a Saturday afternoon. Traffic was okay.

Then I heard honking to my right.

Laws of Attraction

Got Positive Thoughts You Want to Share?

Another post for you about positive thoughts.  It’s been awhile since my last post, and there’s a very good reason for that.

Positive Thoughts, Mr Glen
Image by hey mr glen via Flickr

I’ve been busy writing my first book that will soon be published. So for me, that’s really exciting! I get to share my positive messages in a mini book that people can hold in their hands. No internet access required.

Do you have a burning desire to make a positive change in the world?

What are you doing to make that happen?

Is there a better way?

Let me share with you some inspirational lyrics from my song, ‘Uplifted and Inspired’

Laws of Attraction

Can Positive Lyrics Create Positive Thoughts?

Free Positive Thoughts
Image by artonice via Flickr

Several days ago the positive thoughts I had been enjoying were rudely disrupted by an email that aroused my anger. It was from a company representative who obviously had not read and comprehended every previous correspondence I had sent.

Or did she choose to ignore them because she didn’t want to give me a refund?

Maybe she’s on commission?

Or does the company that employs her use an intentionally misleading slogan “…our goal is to exceed your expectations”?

Let me tell you, not only were my expectations not exceeded…They came a long way from being met!

Because of that company’s lack of customer service, this blog was unavailable for 2 days before Thanksgiving. When I paid online, I expected to receive clear instructions of what to do next. But all I got was an email receipt saying that if I had questions to go to their online support address.

Can you believe it? They didn’t even send me a friendly welcome!

The only clear instruction I could find in their online support was to change the DNS, so I did that. Later I discovered that instead of seeing my blog, visitors would see the page this company had put up which mainly advertised their hosting service.

They were getting free advertising while my blog was unavailable! So why should they be in any hurry?

Then when I alerted them that my blog was unavailable, they asked me to re-submit the information I had already given them!

So I knew my blog might be unavailable for a lot longer, especially with the Thanksgiving holiday.

Reflecting on the fact that no clear instructions were given when I paid, I began thinking this was not the type of company I want hosting my blog. But I didn’t want to make a hasty judgment, and Thanksgiving was the next day. I really did want this to work out.